International award as one of the best ecotourism films in the world for Follow your Instincts at the renowned The Golden City Gate awards in Berlin

The Deputación de Pontevedra has just learnt the news that the film Follow your Instincts, produced by Esmerarte, was chosen by the international jury of The Golden City Gate awards, held for the last 21 years in Berlin, as one of the best ecotourism films in the world. Thus, the Deputación de Pontevedra's film aimed at promoting the province of Pontevedra destination in 2020 has received its first international award, after the success of Hunger for Experiences, which also won an award in Berlin and now has 14 prizes from all over the world.
Follow your Instincts has participated in the competition together with 122 other films from 23 countries, which were evaluated by the international jury of The Golden City Gate awards. The film was selected due to its sound and image production, emotional effects, storytelling, innovation and creative design. In addition, the jury recognised the Deputación's commitment to promote green, healthy and sustainable tourism and to preserve the natural heritage of the province of Pontevedra under the Ecotourism category, in which the provincial institution was awarded the Silver Prize.
This intimate film, starring actress Celia Freijeiro, focuses on aspects related to nature, wellness tourism, sustainability and environment, which is in line with the Deputación de Pontevedra’s commitment to the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda. Follow your Instincts also deals with issues related to wildlife protection, environmental actions carried out by citizens and institutions, and rural, active and adventure tourism offer in the province of Pontevedra.
Every year, The Golden City Gate gives three awards (Gold, Silver and Bronze) in each of its 18 categories at a ceremony at the Internationale Tourismus-Börse (ITB) in Berlin, one of the world's most important events of the tourism sector. Throughout its 21 years of history, 1,939 films from up to 99 countries have already participated. Hunger for Experiences, the Deputación's promotional video launched in 2019, won a prize at The Golden City Gate awards last year. Moreover, it has also been given 13 other awards at international tourism festivals such as those of Kyoto, New York, Turkey, Bulgaria, Latvia, Los Angeles, Serbia, Greece, Portugal, Croatia and Vienna.