A delight for the senses
Traditional cuisine has been one of the main hallmarks of the province of Pontevedra. Its fish, seafood and wine are recognised worldwide. Meat, land products, cheese or honey stand out for their quality and bear the quality seal Rías Baixas.
This variety of flavours has been the result of the richness and fertility of the land and the care of their producers. Here, tradition and nouveau cuisine are perfectly combined. Traditional family-run businesses and gourmet restaurants in the province of Pontevedra offer a varied number of dishes, which are a delight for the senses.
All these products are cultivated, raised, harvested and captured in a beautiful landscape of rivers, fields, meadows, mountains, both inland and on the coast. Finally, they end up on the plate and are sold in big markets all over the world.
These raw materials are produced in different environments. The best molluscs and crustaceans are produced on the seabed; the inlets are the habitat of the highly appreciated tasty fish species, captured by the fleets of the fishing villages in their boats and sold afterwards in the fish markets; and in the fields, the cattle are carefully fed in order to obtain the best meat. Milk, honey, cheese, grelos (turnip tops) or peppers are also part of these healthy and tasty menus.

Traditional markets in the province of Pontevedra offer the food treasures obtained in our rías (coastal inlets) and vegetable gardens. If you want to experience the genuine Rías Baixas taste, it is recommended to visit any of them. In the cities of Pontevedra and Vigo, besides the traditional offer of fish, shellfish and vegetables, it is possible to enjoy a gourmet experience and buying fresh food and having it cooked for you. Don’t miss the experience!
To know in depth the activities linked to the food sector in Rías Baixas is quite an experience. Shellfishing, vine growing and wine production, especially Albariño white wine, in the wineries under the Designation of Origin Rías Baixas; raising animals such as the Celtic pig or the galo de curral (free range chicken); or the production of artisan cider are sectors which have preserved deep-rooted traditions and wisdom from generation to generation.
Part of the heritage – such as the mills scattered along the rivers, canning facilities and traditional market stalls – has been linked to these productive activities. The province boasts these delicacies with massive festivals that go beyond the borders of Galicia and Spain. The Albariño Wine Festival; the Feira do Cocido (Galician Stew Festival), in Lalín; the Festa da Lamprea (Lamprey Festival), in Arbo; and the Festa do Marisco (Seafood Festival), in O Grove, are some good examples of this intangible heritage.
Rías Baixas is the perfect place for satisfying your hunger for experiences. Come and enjoy them!