Fiestas en Rías Baixas


Love affair between sea and land

As Rías Baixas boasts stunning landscapes on the coast and inland

A green and thick forest full of magic. Stunning islands to contemplate the best sunset in the world. Beaches where the word paradise makes sense. Nature has been kind with the inland part and the coast of As Rías Baixas. Nature has given us unparalleled landscapes, beaches, hills, cliffs, woodlands, dunes, islands…, and any adjective is not enough to describe the great natural treasures of our land.

Here, wildlife has found a perfect habitat to grow unaltered and unspoiled. The province of Pontevedra offers unique landscapes and beautiful havens of peace boasting a rich biodiversity. The As Rías Baixas seabeds are unique in the world, and are the habitat of species that can only be found in this area. Get some air and breathe. Nature is waiting for you!

    Oitaven river
    Sequoias forest (Poio)
    Nature area of As Aceñas
    Robledal de San Xusto
    Magic forest of Aldán