Fiestas en Rías Baixas

Noticia Campaña Nadal Mulleres Rias Baixas Pontevedra Provincia

The Deputación de Pontevedra launches "Elas son a forza do Nadal", a campaign to highlight the role of women producers and traders in the province

"All we taste during Christmas, but also throughout the year, is possible thanks to the daily work of women", Carmela Silva said

"We want to highlight the work developed by women working in the primary sector in our province, which makes possible to obtain the best products, local products, which can be part of our menus during Christmas," Carmela Silva said at the presentation of the campaign "Elas son a forza do Nadal". It has been launched by the Deputación de Pontevedra, together with Anmupesca, Fademur and AcuBam. The fishmonger of the market of Teis, Bea Reimóndez, the nurserywoman and President of AcuBam, Mariví Álvarez, and the President of Fademur, Rosa Arcos, also participated in the event.

“All we taste during Christmas, but also throughout the year, is possible thanks to the daily work of women”, the President of the Deputación de Pontevedra pointed out. Thus, nine real women from the province of Pontevedra participated in the campaign, which will be broadcast on social networks and online and offline media. These actions, according to Silva, will help "to highlight the work of our producers, to support them and encourage people to buy our products and those in local markets". The President also used the occasion to claim issues that directly affect women from the province who work in the primary sector. For instance, women netmakers request the application of the reduction coefficient for retirement. She also highlighted the role of women in the rural world: "A future will only be possible if women decide to stay there”.

For its part, the President of Fademur, Rosa Arcos, stressed the importance of launching "positive" initiatives as this campaign, especially "in this bad year", and of promoting local products, "made by women who have been protecting our land for many years". Fishmonger Bea Reimóndez, who highlighted the “strength” of the women "to survive in these hard times and to work hard so that everyone can enjoy a good meal at Christmas," spoke about the quality of the product. Finally, the President of AcuBam, Mariví Álvarez, praised the importance of the campaign "because we need to believe and make people believe in the local product; they are consuming good products because every day we, the producers, are improving and evolving to improve".

The protagonists of the second edition of the campaign "Elas son a forza do Nadal" are nine women, who also appear in the video. They are self-employed or employees of companies from different sectors in the province who talk about their work, their passion, and the difficulties they face and how they are treated in the sector.

They are Bea Reimóndez, fishmonger and owner of La Pescadería de mi Barrio, in the market of Teis, in Vigo, whose commitment to social networks and ICTs allowed her to send fish during the lockdown all over Vigo and even outside the city; Mariví Álvarez, President of AcuBam and nursery associate of Viveiros Río Tollo, with 90% of female; Margot Cacabelos, poultry farmer and owner of a poultry farm in Cambados, which is highly concerned about sustainability and animal welfare; María González, baker and owner of Panadería Paulino, in Rellas, Silleda, who belongs to the third generation; Marina Álvarez, netmaker in A Guarda and Vice-President of the Association of Netmakers Atalaia, who are fighting for a reduction coefficient for retirement; Susana González, sea urchin and barnacle gatherer, and senior patron of the Cofradía La Anunciada de Baiona, who highlights in the video of the campaign the freedom and economic independence that her work gives her; Mari Luz García, cattle raiser and owner of a farm in A Silva, A Estrada, also eco-friendly and respecting animal welfare; finally, Cristina Yagüe and María Falcón, winegrowers and owners of Anónimas Viticultoras, Cambados, a company whose name pays tribute to the unrecognised women of the wine world, which has traditionally been a male sector.

Elas son a forza do Nadal”, which includes videos and individual posters, is closely linked to the campaign "Now, more than ever, stay local", recently launched by the Deputación Provincial de Pontevedra to support local trade and products. Both initiatives follow those promoted in May, “Choose local businesses” and “The province of Pontevedra in your basket”.