Fiestas en Rías Baixas

Noticia - Sigue tu Instinto concurso mejor película turística mundo

The video Sigue o teu instinto (Follow Your Instinct) is competing for the World´s Best Tourism Film: help us win!

Vote and help us win this prestigious prize and add another to the long list

The film Sigue o teu instinto (Follow Your Instinct) is suitable to receive another international award, but we need your help.

The promotional video by the Deputación de Pontevedra, starring Celia Freijeiro (a popular Galician actress), is competing for the World’s Best Tourism Film given out by the International Committee of Tourism Film Festivals (CIFFT). The audience is invited to vote for the best tourism film among the 40 finalists and the video by the Deputación is in a good position so far, but voting is still open.

Click HERE to vote for this video; voting closes on 25 October.