A love story with the province of Pontevedra.

A love story with the province of Pontevedra.
Kate Singer. Speech Therapy student. Chicago, USA
Vive en Rías Baixas desde hace 9 years living in As Rías Baixas
"I´m impressed by the mythical landscape, with many trees, moss, a creek... It´s a fairy tale landscape"

Diego Ríos. Wine expert. Santiago de Chile
Vive en Rías Baixas desde hace 2 years living in As Rías Baixas
"I was captivated by the quality of the produce and the elegance of these wines"

Daniela Savic. Former professional player and handball coach. Slovenia
Vive en Rías Baixas desde hace 11 years living in As Rías Baixas
"I do believe in signs. When life tells you: stay, settle in here"

Violeta Mi Tan. Textile engineer. Shanghai, China
Vive en Rías Baixas desde hace 2 years living in As Rías Baixas
"There's something, a positive energy that I can´t find anywhere else and has changed my lifestyle"

Juan Carlos Perret. Chef. Lima, Perú
Vive en Rías Baixas desde hace 16 years living in As Rías Baixas
"Years ago, when I first got here, I saw the cuisine in a different way. My way of cooking has changed since I've been living here, definitely"

Kevin Weatherill, from Rochester, England, and Virginia Gil, from Spain. Leader and manager of the band Immaculate Fools
Vive en Rías Baixas desde hace 5 years living in As Rías Baixas
"You realise how little you need to be happy. And in Rías Baixas it´s easy"

Mari Hashimoto. Teacher. Osaka, Japan
Vive en Rías Baixas desde hace 10 years living in As Rías Baixas
"The Way of St James keeps surprising me for its beauty, history and legends"

A love story with the province of Pontevedra.
Saliou Ndongo and family. Martial arts instructor. Senegal
Vive en Rías Baixas desde hace 15 years living in As Rías Baixas
"The people I've met here is really open and friendly. They like to see you happy"