Fiestas en Rías Baixas

Q for Tourism Quality

What is the “Q” for Tourism Quality?

Logo Q de Calidad

The "Q" for tourism quality is a renowned Spanish brand aimed at the voluntary certification of tourist services. An organization obtains the "Q" for tourism quality when it complies with the technical requirements established in its corresponding standard.

It brings prestige, uniqueness, reliability and accuracy to the tourism establishments that have obtained it as well as promotion through the Secretary of State for Tourism and the regional governments in Spain. 

To obtain it, it is necessary to implement a management system aimed at providing customer service and continuous improvement. Its aim is to ensure visitors in the province of Pontevedra and throughout Spain the best possible tourism experience.

Who awards it?

The Institute for Spanish Tourism Quality (ICTE) is the body responsible for assessing the quality of tourism establishments and awarding the "Q" certification for tourism quality. This is a private entity, independent and acknowledged throughout Spain. Its objectives include:

→ Standardization: the creation and development of tourism quality standards, as well as their relevant reviews.

- Certification: it grants the "Q" quality certification to those companies that comply with the requirements established for the implementation of the quality system.

- Promotion: it is responsible for officially advertising the "Q" mark so that interested customers can identify it easily. It also promotes companies that have been already awarded the tourism quality certificate, by giving them more visibility.

- Training: offers specialized training to provide knowledge about the quality system and its correct implementation.

Advantages of the "Q" mark for tourism quality

Obtaining the "Q" mark for quality allows you to differentiate yourself from your competitors with a recognised guarantee mark granted only to those organisations, both public and private, that comply with a series of requirements related to the management, service and infrastructures of the organisation.
The mark offers advantages in two ways.


- Is a competitive advantage
- Increases visitors' satisfaction, making customers being more satisfied and loyal
- Strengthens the brand image of the tourist services company or tourist destination 
- Enhances the reputation of the organization
- Offers a distinctive quality mark for potential customers
- Reduces price sensitivity among potential travellers
- Improves the management and efficiency of the activities carried out
- Improves working atmosphere and staff loyalty
- Motivates staff 
- Optimizes resources
- Establishes a system to monitor effectively the organization's performance

How can it be achieved?

The process of adhesion and certification of the tourist entities that wish to obtain the quality mark comprises the following steps:
1. Request for adhesion. Filling in a form including information about the establishment.
2. Acceptance by the establishment or entity of a module consisting of the quality standard of the subsector to which it belongs and the self-assessment questionnaire.
3. Initial training on the project launching, to get familiar with the content of the quality standard.
4. Self-evaluation of the establishment. It allows knowing if it meets the criteria of the standard.
5. Training in quality tools for people responsible for implementing the system. 
6. Improvement plans: documentation, implementation and tools.
7. Application for certification 
8. Auditing for certification and audit report. 
9. Committee for certification and monitoring of the quality levels.
10. Achievement of the "Q" mark for quality.
11. Follow-up and renewal audits.

>Which companies can obtain this mark?

o Hotels and tourist apartments
o Tourism boards
o Travel agencies
o Restaurants
o Rías (coastal inlets) and beaches
o Apartments 
o Campsites 
o Spas
o Nature reserves
o Marinas
o Active, nature and sports tourism companies 
o Coach companies
o Leisure
o Water sport facilities
o Hostels
o Rural accommodation
o Tourist transportation
o Convention bureaux
o Golf courses
o Ski resorts
o Training and qualification of tourist guides

Accredited companies