Fiestas en Rías Baixas


Festa da Empanada in A Bandeira

A Bandeira: capital of the best empanadas

At his festival, this popular dish is prepared with a great variety of ingredients

Since 1974, the parish of A Bandeira, in Silleda, shows the most original "empanadas", in an event carefully organized by restaurant owners and locals. They surprise visitors with different presentations and varied ingredients, always trying to obtain the most peculiar taste. And they make it, since thousands of visitors participate in the event every year, especially in the dinner, when they have the opportunity to taste all sort of specialties of this original dish from As Rías Baixas and Galicia.

The festival where the empanada (a typical Galician pie, usually with a savoury filling) is tasted, the Festa da Empanada, pays tribute to one of the most popular dishes in As Rías Baixas. It is organised by the association Amigos de la Empanada, that also chooses the best empanadas in Galicia. In 2024 it was declared a Festival of National Tourist Interest.

Fiesta de la Empanada de Bandeira
Fiesta de la Empanada de Bandeira

All day long restaurant owners and locals bring their dishes to be displayed on the stands of the festival. Next, an empanada contest takes place, in which a panel of judges selects the best empanadas. This is followed by a dinner, the high point of the festival, where many groups of friends and families enjoy different empanada dishes.

This festival always surprises visitors for its originality, for the innovative presentations, varied ingredients and peculiar tastes of the dishes.

Fervenza do Toxa

Fervenza do Toxa, natural tourism

In A Bandeira, which lies on the Silver Route, in the region of Deza, visitors can enjoy an area rich in natural resources. One of the most popular attractions of the area is the waterfall known as Fervenza do Toxa.