Fiestas en Rías Baixas


The Silver Way

The Silver Way

A charming itinerary through As Rías Baixas dating from the Phoenician and Greek eras

This route, also known as the Way of Sanabria, starts in the south of Spain and goes through the inland part of Galicia in its last part until it reaches Santiago de Compostela. It is a long Roman road which crosses the Iberian Peninsula and, along its one thousand kilometres, passes through important historical and artistic monuments and beautiful natural landscapes.

Monasteries, rivers and pazos (manor houses) are scattered along the Way surrounded by a beautiful landscape. In the province of Pontevedra, the route passes through the towns of Dozón, Silleda and A Estrada. Regarding the origin of the route, there are records of its existence dating back to the 139 BC, during the Phoenician and Greek eras.

Stage Dozón-Bendoiro (18.4 km)

After crossing the place of Oseira, in Ourense, you walk through O Castro, in Dozón. Nearby you find the San Pedro de Vilanova Monastery and Church, a masterpiece of the twelfth-century Galician Romanesque art. Then, if you continue walking towards Lalín through rural paths of great beauty, you can visit the San Martiño Church, once part of a tenth-century monastery.

You pass by the place of Pontenoufe to enter the town of Lalín, and walk across Puxallos and A Xesta. After that, you go through Botos and Donsión to reach Bendoiro.

Stage Bendoiro-Outeiro (33.8 km)

Following this route, after leaving the place of Prado, you walk towards the Deza River. Then, you cross A Boralla and the medieval Taboada Bridge, and walk through the places of Taboada and Transfontao to reach the town of Silleda.

Before going further, you can take a detour to discover the temple of O Corpiño, still in Lalín, located in the place of Losón. Its winter and summer pilgrimages attract thousands of visitors every year. Other important attractions in the region are the cascade of the Toxa River or the Carboeiro Monastery, a must visit if you have enough time.

The route continues towards Silleda after crossing the medieval bridge over the Deza River, stopping at the Romanesque churches of Fiestras and Ansemil. After crossing Silleda, you continue your way until reaching A Bandeira.

The stretch of the Silver Way in the province of Pontevedra finishes in A Estrada, after crossing Castrovite, Loimil, Os Casares, As Carballas, Oca and Arnois. Before walking further, you can visit the Pazo de Oca and its beautiful gardens, which can be visited all year round.

Vía de la Plata Silleda